The NY Times Book review this Sunday quoted from “Pebble,” a poem by the Polish poet, Zbigniew Herbert. Here is the poem in full:
The pebble
is a perfect creature
equal to itself
mindful of its limits
filled exactly
with a pebbly meaning
with a scent that does not remind one of anything
does not frighten anything away does not arouse desire
its ardour and coldness
are just and full of dignity
I feel a heavy remorse
when I hold it in my hand
and its noble body
is permeated by false warmth
–Pebbles cannot be tamed
to the end they will look at us
with a calm and very clear eye
Zbigniew Herbert
For those of you interested in the details of translation, Peter Dale Scott, who translated this poem with Czesław Miłosz, has an intriguing passage on the process of translating this poem that you can read here. The details of word choice and order are open to endless vision and revision, and translators easily become obsessed.
If you read this little exposition, I think I’d pick Scott’s preferred translation with one change to the last line: “with an eye that’s calm and very clear.” This keeps the vernacular feel along with Herbert’s intended emphasis. Obsessed? A little.
I’m nine years late with this comment, but I want to say how grateful I am for it. I held Milosz in great awe, as you can see from my book, Ecstatic Pessimist. Thank you for the first validation I have seen fabout
this dissent from him. — Peter Dale Scott
Peter, we met decades ago at an event at Stanford, and I am a fan of your work. Thanks for the comment!