More gadgets

I probably could do four or five posts on kitchen gadgets. I have several on eggs alone. For example, here’s Henrietta hen, who makes perfect softboiled eggs:





A little slicer that snips off the top of said egg:
egg topper1_optegg topper2_opt-1





egg separator An egg separator (great for baking with children who want to separate eggs, but can’t quite manage it). And a collection of whisks.

whisks_opt-1The littlest one is perfect for whisking a single egg, and the wooden-handled, open-bottom one is great for mixing sauces (no lumps!), the flat one does a great job folding in egg whites.

Three of these belonged to my mother, and will probably outlast me!

Then, of course, there’s the banana slicer, an indispensable tool, as witnessed by these comic reviews on Amazon.

Be sure to scroll down and read them–they’re as good as a poem (some might say better).

And just in case you’re wondering. of course I bought one! It saved my marriage.


3 thoughts on “More gadgets

  1. I have been immersed in the DVD’s of Upstairs/Downstairs and find myself longing for perfect soft boiled eggs, saddles of lamb, trifle, bubble and squeak and a proper TEA TIME! At night, I often dream of Mr. Hudson ordering my life with sly wit and a steely reserve. In my dressing room, I often look up- in a search for my ladies maid, Rose. Rose with her sublime features, porcelain skin, and knowing blue eyes. Oh the power of kitchen tools, the dream of refinement. You must please, excuse me, I must go to the drawing room, the gong has sounded, it’s time for my afternoon Gin and Bitters.

  2. Nieman Marcus in San Francisco has an afternoon tea that is almost up to drawing room standards. It’s ridiculously expensive, of course. But they have those three-tiered silver pastry trays, with excellent things on them. Lovejoy’s in the Mission also does this, but NO ONE does it in my house, sigh. I have to content myself with a perfectly soft-boiled egg, which I often do.

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