You can still go to the amazing Heirloom Expo at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds in Santa Rosa (thru Thurs., 9/15) and see displays of heirloom plants, animals and vegetables. You can eat basil pressed watermelon, the best creamy coconut popsicle I ever had, and buy seeds, plants, olive oils, vinegars, soaps, garden tools, videos, books, and even get a free packet of compost to take home. We heard a singer who could yodel up a storm and learned a little about biodynamic farming. We watched Chef Ray carve fruit and vegetables (that’s his sculpture above with eggplant leaves! and below a squash with watermelon roses and a polka-dotted apple).
At the animal barn we saw dozens of varieties of chickens , turkeys, and ducks. As there were lots of roosters, and roosters crow to define their territory, it was cacophonous.
Outside were heirloom pigs, goats and sheep, even some cows. I would love to have a pig or two, especially one of the miniature heirloom breeds, but that might stretch the tolerance of my suburban neighbors, who so far are okay with my rooster.
We met a woman who demonstrated a home-made bicycle-driven wool carder that she built. It put me in mind of my compost machine, except she’s developed a kit for sale. Anyone have sheep and need a better way to card your wool?