It’s not that I haven’t been spending time in the garden, it’s that I’ve been spending so much time with gardening and chickens that I haven’t had time to write about it. The labyrinth is once again completely overgrown. Everything is burgeoning and needs tending. I cleared about three feet of it in as many hours. Multiple sets of lettuce, kale, sweet peas and cucumbers are in the garden, and the first crop of raspberries is just coming in. I can’t get a full view of it all, but here are a few selections:
Even my little carnivorous plant is blooming.
Meanwhile, the young chicks are in with the hens, and the two oldest hens went to my friend’s stewpot. I sold four chickens: two laying hens and two Americana chicks. As it is, I had to build an annex to the chicken house to hold the newbies. I spend another day rat proofing their enclosure. The count is now 8 hens, 1 rooster (Cloud) and 9 chicks: 2 Silkies, 2 Polish, and 5 Americanas.
Their annex is attached one level lower than the original house. And as you can see, the chicks manage to hang out at the edge of the flock, and there’s plenty of room for everyone.
Everybody’s happy, or happy enough–it’s hard to measure chicken happiness.